Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Work hard and partay (eat) harder

Working on a Saturday,
is no fun at all,
but u gotta do whatever that's unfinished...
otherwise my following week will be spent,
trying to finish "last week's" work...

Then went home to dig some wines....
a red from France....
I found a very old sab sauvg in the chiller, 1986
we still have 1996!!!!!!!! waaah...i didn't know...
do-re-mi, follow me to the restaurant.....together with the small bottle of dessert wine
his Audermars Piguet
Bernard tasting the wines
Dato' Robin of Karambunai resort....also VP of an opposition party (which I can't reveal) of Sabah
Prince C was very quiet that nite....
must be a bad day at the course
yeah and someone won big time again at the course
me and I Ching, Prince C's lovely wife....
I had sea urchin and hokkaido scallops with spicy nori....didn't eat much
Actually I was very bored....I neva like politics...*and politicians*....

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