Monday, February 05, 2007

Hong Kong, Day 0.1666667

Sorry folks,
I forgot to inform that monkey will be flying off to HK.
when we took off, the sun starts to set...
it's a 3.5 hours journey.....and a horrible one too.

coz I sat behind a prominent man,
not that he made any big fuss outta himself,
but ppl around him....duh....
all those ass kisserssssss.
I'm sure u know who is he,
the fact that I am not putting his name here,
to avoid search engine which direct those traffics to my site,
esp those who are searching for him...

He's a gentleman, really....and well mannered,
just that those passengers, air steward...stewardess,
can't get enough of him...

dropped by his seat to speak with him,
on how much they adored him,
admired his work,
his philosophy...yada yada yada yada.

so bising,
I couldn't sleep.

Then Mr. Prominent stretched his arms and hands...
monkey sat directly behind and saw....
"baby, he has the same watch as u!!!"
"ooo, yes. There were only 2 in Msia at that time. Limited to 300 pcs worldwide."
"Lucky u are not wearing it now....hihihihi....otherwise he will throw his away."
"Hahaha, he won't lar."

When we touched down,
someone craved for yummy HK food already,

"I want wan ton noodles!!"
"but it's past midnite already!!!"
"I want I want I want."
succulent clams in black bean sauce and chilis
the famous iced lemon tea and almond cream
It was 1 am when we strolled across the Marco Polo Clock Tower,
with a full stomach..


Day 1 tomorrow ya!!

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