Monday, February 26, 2007


Last month went to scout for new home,
Since this gonna be a holiday home...
convenience isn't so important.

Well that explains why I'm staying in the heart of KL,
it's all about...
1) location
2) location
3) location
it's really a pleasure and luxury to own a property facing the sea front.
the moment u open your eyes...
aaaaaa clear blue sky,
sea breeze on your face,
the smell of the sea....
and the soft sandy beach is just a few steps away..
for someone who lurve the sea so much,
I can practically be in my bikinis 24/7...
the bungalow is practically surrounded by water feature...this one outside the master bedroom
even your bath has got a view
Anyway the price is mind boggling,
and it's not too great,
well a lot to complain but since it's developed
by some friend who also happens to be a politician,
I have no freedom to rant here.
Ok, stop ranting...
I had salmon chirashi for dinner RM 18.90
just so convenient to pick all these fr Isetan. dreaded regional meeting in Singapore,
*pulling my hair*

As usual,
monkey has yet to pack,
has yet to recharge her notebook, camera, phone, ipod...
lucky my house has sooooo many available plugs.

My assistant started her 1st day at work today,
I was way too busy to layan her,
nor give her any work coz there's just too much,
and the time used to guide her at this moment,
may as well be utilise to finish off my work.

So I just dropped the whole big stack of magazines for March,
all 35 of them and got her to read them.
Prestige, Tatler, Astelier, Harper's Bazaar,
Peak, VMag, Vogue, Elle, The Hilt....yada yada...

Isn't it nice to be my assistant?
Well for the moment...
When Monkey is back next week...
she won't even have time to eat...nor check her manicure.

Well, I did took her out for a nice lunch,
and drove her halfway home...

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