Thursday, January 18, 2007

of awesome ssshhheeaat & awesome wines....

This Sat is a hol,
so for certain ppl with certain company with certain privileges,
Friday is an off day.
*envy envy envy*

thought of flying down to Singapore,
to meet Lawrence this weekend,
for another makan & minum session,
but...*tap tap*...
I'll be goin to HK end of the month..
so I'll need to pool all the $$$ resources I have for shopping..
no Singapore for this weekend then...
Echezeaux Grand Cru, last bottle at home
Another reason to meet Lawrence,
is to check my remaining 5 bottles of Moscato d'Asti,
if it's still intact!!!
I bought 7 bottles...the last trip..
It was the last 7 bottles in the whole of Singapore.
Due to my accomodating luggage bag *plus all my shoppings*
I can't fit all 7 bottles in....
Hence, *tumpang* his chillers till I'm back the next round to retrieve them.

"Awesome shhheeeeaaattttt!!! Where did you find them????"
"I'm so sorry that you have decided to park them at my place."
"Don't you ever think about it. GRRRRRR!!!!"
Moscato, the red neck bottle, 375ml @ SGD 22 (my special price :-) )

Culina's manager promised me that they will import more fr Italy..
Lawrence..don't be a cheapskate, go and get your own.
Let's open them when I'm around kay?

For more details on Culina..

It's really an "awesome shhheaaatt"* gourmet shop *this phrase has been copyrighted to Lawrence Yeow*

The manager, Terrence is really a walking gourmet dictionary,
He told me to use Pellegrino mineral water to boil soup..
and the result is astounding.

WTF!!! it's blarddy many bottles do u need???

Culina sells imported meat, seafood, vegetables...cheese, butter.
I lurve their french butter..
and the usual caviar and foie gras..

If you are in Malaysia,
You can get the above at
They do free delivery for purchases above RM 150

I got most of my groceries there when I'm not in Spore.
Lawrence used to laugh at me and said I am so kiasu,
buy salt oso need to get them in Singapore..

Yes..sad man...Kl doesn't have those gourmet salt I wanted.

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