Sunday, January 28, 2007

Kala Kala with galfriends

Just got home,
from a splendid outing,
with my uni galfriends.

It was an unfamiliar territory,
I got lost!!!! so dumb...can't believe it!!

after Su San sent me a map!
after JS showed me the place on Google Earth,
Su San gave me directions all the way over the phone..

man, I am confirmed a retard on directions.
Vonne (with her mike glued), Connie, Monkey, Su San
Alex & Connie
Vonne: You are my only oneeeeeEEEeeeeee
Lu Ai: .......................*only know how to smile*
Vonne: wooooooooo.....aaaaaaa....ooooooo
Lu Ai: wei....dun so over acting can or not??
Vonne should try to audition for some talent show,
she can sing anything...everything..
in every single language...

thanks to u Vonne,
that blarddy "kuch kuch hota hai" song is still playing in my head.
Next time u sing hokkien & hakka for me ya!!!

Tum paasse aye, Tum paasse aye
Yun Muskurayee, Tum nena jane kya
Sapne de khaye, Aabto mera dil
Jaane ka sota hai, Kya karoon ha ye
Kuch kuch hota hai......

In the end, dunno who's over acting lar....
I know someone gonna kill me after this for the above.....>_<
It will go like this...
"AH MOI!!!!....sdfjhbeirgqirbgke bgsjbhuaieba"

Su San and Connie
Vonne with Carol's wedding pic, Carol, Su San
I oso got mine.....Carol looked like a princess here!!!!

Reminded me of this Taiwanese actress...forgot her name...neh alwiz acted in those princessie dramas. Who ar? What's her name???
Vonne (finally parted with the mike), Monkey, Carol, Su San.
Lu Ai in her towel/mat keok pou and pucat Monkey
The b-day gals...all smiles
Why so happy ar?
getting older u know?
Su San bought a yummy superb green tea cake!!! We are health concious laydees

Then I saw this....
What the............??????
Vonne: Look!! I need a new phone for my b-day...sob sob

I've never seen anyone repair their phone that way!!
nor treat their phones that way...
For goodness sake throw it away!!!
unless there's some sentimental value in it!!!

Which I think should be the case,
since Vonne is such an emo & sentimental person.

At this stage, kuch kuch hota hai still playing in my head...
Someone gimme a tree to hide and some nice grassy fields for me to roll around.

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