Thursday, December 07, 2006

Xmas @ Singapore

Christmas is the best time of the year.
I can practically hear the cashier machines go
"ka-ching, ka-ching, ka-ching"

Yes, it's the best time for retail biz as ppl are spending $$$$$
dunno bout KL, but it's shoppers frenzy in Spore and Hong Kong.
so glittering and chrismassy...I like!!!
This gigantic tree is at Paragon
I was so happy when I stepped into Paragon,
coz Blu Canopy has finally opened its door.
So lotsa household, crystal shopping for both of us!!!
We got a very beautiful vase for Tracie's b-day.
and tonnes of stuffs for ourselves.
Jovial ppl performing Inca music
Tangs Shopping Centre has a "be-jeweled" theme on their deco
along Orchard walkway
the only thing missing is snow....
makes u wanna spend $$$$$ kan??? Well I did spend a lot.
me sitting at the pavement coz I was very tipsy...too much of bubbly

I know I lost a lot of weight in the past 2 weeks and I hate it when my bones are jutting out.
It looks very angular and not flattering,
esp when I do apparel shopping,
all the pants seems to be too big for me...hmph

must eat...must eat...must eat..
must drink more krug pls.

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