Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Wine dinner - Chateau La Lagune

It should have been an enjoyable dinner....
with great wines and food,
as soon as I met the two of them (the chopstick brother)...at the restaurant...
Prince C with a long face
JS with an even longer face
This is what happens,
When they had a bad day at the golf course,
even more so....after attended the Conquest of Time exhibition at KLCC,
where they can't buy timepieces they wanted..

Prince C spent an amount where I can purchase another apartment in the city..
well don't mention bout JS..
yet he was angry coz the piece he wanted was not for sale..
only for exhibition..

"WHAT THE HELL!!!"..*him and his bad english*
"only for display...then don't put it there!!!!"
"........heeee.......my brand ok rite.....but u neva buy oso...hmph..."
".............>_<........ok ok ok ok ..."

so in th end....he bought one pc fr my brand....
thank u Prince C
when his fav butter with truffles arrives...he was ok di...
JS? he was grumpy the whole nite....coz so many pieces cannot buy...
Dinner started off with a venison carpacio with white truffles
unagi (eel) with a huge piece of foie gras in mushroom confit
a very nice lobster with red wine sauce....very chinese style
a grapefruit sorbet to wash our palate
and a wonderful slow roast lamb in thyme juice....i gave a piece to Prince C....very full-leh

I haven't been eating right for the past weeks,
hence my stomach shrunk.
The moment I started eating regularly...it was tough and painful.
and i had to see doctor last Fri bcoz of some digestion prob...
bad bad bad..

and because of that...my boss approved my 2 weeks leave instantly on the spot.
I'll be going to Sabah for some nice spa and fishing!!!!!!
The meal ended with a not so nice combination....baked cherries in phyllo pastry and vanilla ice-cream. I did not touch it cept the fresh cherries and ice-cream.
We tasted 5 vintages...from 1999 (not in the pic). L-R: 2001, 2000, 2004, 2003

It was a "okay" dinner.
Told Dr.Chook who's in Spore bout the wines and he said:
"U are spoilt Cherry"
"Your tastebud got corrupted and so discerning that u can only taste good wines....La Lagune is a very good wine u know?"
"erm...but it was only ok to me"
"On the other hand, it's good you can pick up and identify them that fast....amazing"

yes practice makes perfect!!! Agree???

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