Tuesday, December 26, 2006

I want to see Kampong!!!!

Yesterday we checked into Nexus Resort at Karambunai,
It is a paradise!!!!!
More pics later but this is where I went to this morning....
JS brought me to a terror ride in his SUV!!!! My legs are still shaking!!!!
to a real real nowhere kampong!!!! He purposely drove into the ravines, drains, watever holes, longkang....u name it.
My SUV needs to exercise!!!!
WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get out or I'll get out!!!!!
swamp area at Mengkabong, my 1st time seeing a real swamp with Bakaus.
it's the 21st century and there are still ppl living on stilts!!!
an opening to the river mouth
Sungai Salut
back to civilisation!!! phew
Nexus golf course
JS drove into par 3 at Nexus Golf course to pluck something for me....
instead of a nice lovey dovey pink flower, he got me this!!! Sweet...papyrus, which can be made to paper.

Mane saya punye bunga????

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