Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Nothing GREAT actually
Here I am sitting at the Green cafe having the green brand coffee
which I hated.

Given a choice I would have something else
but there's no other cafe in this building apart fr mamak operated cafe *that one I lagi hate*
U'll know why I'm here later...

Ppl at my new work place has been monitoring me
up and down, side to side, left and right...
kepoh-ed bout my background,
checked where I live,
where I usually hang out,

What I wear everyday
which shoes adorned my feet today
not to forget my leather goods

Yes, I do love variety
and have different bags, shoes, accessories everyday
well, that's me and I'm not making any loud statement about it
nor trottle to their small tiny miserable ugly messy cubicle to shout bout my posession
*I have the most spacious, comfortable, nicest workplace in the office...yaaayyy*

you ppl love to gossip bout me day in day out.
stared at my rear whenever I walked pass
caused me discomfort
and should I refer that as sexual intimidation???

Yesterday was the ultimate,
even when I offered YOU bread coz YOU were having gastric
YOU still have the energy to ask me..

"wah...your bread so nice, designer's bread ar?"

*thinking of it now, RM 7 for a small raisin loaf..of coz it's nice!!! hmph!!!*

coming fr the mouth of the most senior in age employee
I have to imagine that you ppl have been labelling me as a brand conscious/rich/someone's mistress bla bla bla ya ya ya ya...nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeh...
Ok...fine...continue to bitch bout me and my lifestyle
and that I have this and that
I dunno how u ppl knew
Well..I believe, if there's a will, there's a way to find out.

anyway back to the reason I'm sitting here...

some dumb fark employee forgot that a memo has been issued,
not to lock the main wooden door till it has been repaired,
just close it and secured it with another lock...

I guess your ears must been at your butt..
at the slit of your ass so u can't listen
and your eyes on your hairy chest,
hence u can't read..

Now all of us have to wait for the locksmith!!!

u soooo gonna kena from me later
No one mess with monkey!!!
but nvm...I guess big boss alone will do this job for me.
Never ever do things that will diminish your integrity, face/market value and most of all image!!!
Let others do it....

Just to vent some frustration...
it's healthy!!

Now I'm back to my happy jovial mood as usual coz
when you are happy and instill positive mind,
everything will work your way..
Good "chi" mar...kkeke
positive ppl attract positive chi....hmmm since when I'm so Zen

cept that the coffee here still sucks big time!!
too acidic!!!

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