Thursday, November 23, 2006


Yes..I've been Missing-In-Action for the past dayzzzzzzz...
Blame the above!!

Very exciting event and so much to see...
Yesterday it was opened to public and gosh...
the turnout was incredible.

I met up with so many ppl..
well apart from our local celebrities, datuks, datins, ministers...
I met....................*drum roll pls*.....

Frank Muller the man himself, *weeeeeeeeee weeeeeeee weeeeeeeee*
Patek Phillipe's boss, *ooooooOOOOooooo*
Chopard's son-in-law, *super cute*
Girard Perregaux's currator, *astounding man*

and of coz all the other big shots in the luxury timepieces...
I just can't stop drooling at the exclusive, exquisite, beautiful timepieces exhibited there.
*plus all the cute hunks, and super tall models*

okie, more photos in the next few days,
am super duper busy here coz business been very good and we sold a super exlucisve beautiful diamond embedded Golden Bridge retailing at 500k *that's like half a million* during the pre-event launch.

Just crossed my fingers that we can sell more pieces and I can go for another holiday next month...
As I was typing this, boss called to informed we sold another antique gold coin watch!!!! *weeeeee*

Life is good man!

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