Thursday, November 09, 2006

Balanced meal

Usually I have a meal per day,
excluding my latte early in the morn coz that doesn't count as a meal.

I don't take any supplements/tablets/spirulina/vitamins/anti-oxidants etc..
coz to be frank..I can't swallow any pills since I was young *shy man!!!*
cept my ZYTEC coz I have to take it everyday after I have alcos...
or rashes will be all over my body
scratched and itched like a fleas-infested-monkey.

but ZYTEC is so tiny and small...a few it's easy to swallow.
Anyway back to my topic.
I have to have at least a balanced healthy meal a day coz that's all I take.
You are what you eat..and that's very true.

tuna and olive pasta

No time to create something special everynite...this is what I got.
Sautee the capers & olives with olive oil...
slice the tuna thinly...*must get sashimi quality tuna*
Boil the pasta, drain and mix everything in..
I love my tuna raw

throw in some rockets or whatever leafy greens u can find in the fridge for a balanced meal
Of coz nothing is complete without wine for the Coonawara winery, a 1996 cab sauv.

Well, u may say that I eat so little everyday..
how come the size still so liddat one??
I oso dunno.

Must be the metabolism rate!!!
Slow like a sloth.

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