Monday, October 30, 2006

Sydney, Day 5

It's Sunday and I usually have the rights to sleep till forever.
Today is exceptional coz we need to get up early to go to
the place where the sweet grapes grow bountifully on the sunny valley
aaaaa.....from the grapes to the glass...simply love the process...
but enjoyed the end results more....
the wine!!!
Mt. Pleasant....been here since1880...those grapes plant/tree in the background were 30 years old.
all aging in the oak barrels
I wondered how many litres per barrel....yum..glug glug glug
those grape trees looked so small but actually they are quite high.
I wanna pluck some leaves for rememberance....kekekek
had a simple wine was okay. Nothing too fantastique bout their wines here at Mt. Pleasant.
had a light lunch, polenta & mushrooms
pan seared perch fillet
Then JS needed a subject for his photography, taken at McGuigan wineries. *pls next time get someone else*
and so monkey became the "Poser Monkey"
beautiful clouds and there were families having their Sunday picnic with wines and cheese
yes he can take very nice shot if the subject cooperates
my "poser" boyfriend.
got some nice wines at the McGuigan's Cellar
oooooOOooo..all those magnum bottles
tasted some excellent dessert wines and got a few bottles
walking up and down to get good pics for his portfolio
I got bored and headed for my latte AUD 3
JS joined with his cino...i alwiz wondered how come their coffees got marble...all the time!!!
more time!!
Back in Sydney, weather changed and it got very cold....~~~brrrrr
so opt for something hot, warm and close to my heart.....STEAMBOAT!!!!! This one we had at Chinatown.
with lotsa beefs....yum yum
strawberries are so cheap there AUD 1.90 and I must have a big pack before I zzz everynite.

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