Friday, October 13, 2006

Prince Charming

Prince C and JS discussing work

so when men are discussing work, women do wat??
They either drink, sit down quietly, be a pretty prop on the table,
waste time examining the pretty manicured nails,
or showed enthusiasm in their biz talk with smiles...lotsa of it.

I did none of the above.

coz monkey aint' no dumb blonde.
As usual, I monkeyed around...ahahahaha...
If u know me personally, U'll know wat I did.
for starter, I had abalone capellini with caviar (RM 42). Not bad.

Yes, Prince C is his real name,
he's charming, super duper to be with,
a person with an attitude that I like!!
and he's super duper amazingly good looking.
*I'll take more pics of him next time*
JS brought Pensfold Bin 707 Cab Sauv 94. (price unknown but corkcage is RM 50).

Prince C just got back fr NZ,
fr a month trip with his wife..
the bad thing about this guy is...
he is not cost concious at all!!!
and spent 200k alone shopping in NZ..*excl hotel, food, car rental, misc*

WTF!!! I can accept a bill up to 20k not 200k...
"U bought a car there is it?"
"I forgot, but I truly enjoyed shopping there."
I had Wagyu beef cheek with wasabi (RM 98).

He made fortunes though he can't read nor write,
Prince C stays in Ipoh and his job?
golf golf golf golf golf golf golf everyday.
Don't speak english, only cantonese...
very discerning taste in food and wine.

"Cherry, wat year were u born in?"
"me Monkey year!!!! 1980"
"great, me 1975...I'll get you wines fr that year as our 1st meeting gift"
".....wah..wooow....really ar?"
baked apples in phyllo pastry with honey ice-cream (32)
flourless chocolate cake (RM 32)
This morning, Prince C & JS drove themselves to Singapore..
for more shopping and more golf....
and also to collect more wines fr the cellar.

And the boys stopped at Malacca just now,
for a short 18 holes before continuing down south to the island.
at Tiara Golf & Country Club.

men = golf
women = shopping *i called that retail theraphy*

so I won't complain...hehehehe

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