Sunday, September 10, 2006

Sherylene & monkey
a happy happy day for me :)))))))
Sheryl is a mathematical wizard....
YES it's true and to top it up she has a beautiful voice,
which explains why she was so involved with music and choir.

We met while we were still in our sweet lolly 6 year-old dresses,
where the world is all about having fun, candies and tonnes of crayons drawings.
*well to me!!*
together with Chai, Ming Yai and Gayathri.....erm can't remember much of Gayathri though.
*someone pls refresh my memory*
We went to the same kindergarten, same primary school, up to secondary, and Mrs.Ho tuition classes. As for Chai, up to life in campus.
we cam-whored at Orchard Road....over and over again, so many takes...kekekeke

I don't think I've known anyone that long in my life apart fr my family members and meself!!
After some calculations, I realised that was 20 years ago....THAT LONG!!!
I am not getting younger each day as my memory deteriorates.
so to all my friends, be it I've known u for 2 years or 20 years...
I truly enjoyed our u all alwiz..
To Sheryl,
thank you for your great company today...
Never felt so warm and fuzzy...
made me walked down the memory lanes...
of us back in our lolly dresses...
time spent practicing choir...
and solving brain killer algebras.

Then monkey hopped to Changi Airport,
to meet the other BIG MONKEY,
who's sooooo burnt and dark and excited.
from the execessive damage over the weekend,
whacking the white dimpled balls on the green,
and watching Adam Scott and Ernie Els,
at the Barclays Singapore Open 2006

"You know what u've just missed today?????" *voice high pitched like a lil gal*
"I missed nothing baby"
"I can't believe it you didn't wanna follow me today!!!" *yeah he got 4 VIP passes to Barclays, big deal!*
"I rather see me girlfriend"
"...bla bla bla....continue to bla bla bla bla"

Monkey can't register what he said coz none interest he bla bla for a full hour on the plane to me....*yawn*
of his glamourous adventure there, rubbing shoulders with who's who, enjoying the champagne and food, the great game, the company bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla and more blassss....

wait till I get us VVIP passes to Formula One next year,
that's what I called a manly-glamourous-exciting-adrenaline pumping sport.

wooohoooo Michael won but this will be his last season as he's retiring....*monkey cries*
Last nite's race was a memorable one :)

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