Saturday, September 02, 2006

It was drizzling but it did not damper my mood to swim.
and his mood to golf.
we are sooo confirmed weird couple..

We always bumped into Mr.Chai, our neighbour...
dunno why...always at the wrong moment....tsk tsk...
JS with his golf sets and me in my bikini.

"oo..hi...goin for golf?"
"hi there, just came back fr golf?"
"good afternoon, heading to the course?"
"hie...back from a swim?"
"how was your swim?"

He must be thinking that we are damn free....
well which I am...hehehehehe
had baked courgettes and seafood risotto for dinner
it looks better on the plate!
goes very well with Krug Champagne
opened a small bottle looks so cute and petite!
okie, now compared with the normal 750ml, u can see the difference.
grapes for dessert
This got to be the best grapes I've ever eaten....
got this from the Isetan Japanese Fresh Produce Fair.
but blarddy expensive for one small bunch...RM 51.00
it's like eating berries packed with sweet wine in it....hehehehe

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