Wednesday, September 20, 2006

As early as 7 this morning *which was like an hour ago*
I was woken up by some irritating music,
car screeching down the road,
loud commentator's voice....

Tried hard to recall where the heck am I.
Turned to my left,
bugger was playing PSP on the bed...
without the headphone of coz...* sweat man -_-" *

".....shhhh...wait...I'm gonna win this race!!!...oooo....woooowww...."

So wanna kick him out of the bed,
& confiscate his toy.

"baby, u'll need to learn to wake up this early anyway. U'll be starting your new job in like.....2 weeks time?"
damn...there u more PSP in the bedroom!!!!
be it if I have to learn to wake up early,
be it if there isn't any other alarm clock/noise to wake me up,
be it if that's the only toy/gadget to entertain us.

I've confiscated it,
and someone got kicked down fr the bed.
Last nite, went to Gonbei in Starhill,
the much hyped japanese restaurant with the largest collection of sake and Shoju in KL.
with its 5 magnificent counters/islands featuring:
so we were escorted to the Robatayaki counter,
by the restaurant manager...
extremely good service,
like....7 waiter & waitresses for JS & me.
Whereby we were addressed by our names..

Impressive sake lists with a superb menu,
Food was alrite, manageable lar..
Ambience was outta this world...
Well it was designed by Yuhkichi Kawai so I have nothing to complain.

Chefs were selected by Sensei Masao Kobori himself.
So we decided to try creations from all the counters/islands..
It was OKAY, nothing too fantastique for its price.
The entrance to Gonbei is really small *baby u looked fat, no more dessert for u & go hit the gym*

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