Friday, July 28, 2006

What's inside?

I was reading the Spore's paper and came across an interest section..
Mind your body...
I think it's educative and informative on health related issues.

Then this section attracted me the most
what's in a person's refrigerator...
The journalists will interview celebrities/sportsmanwoman/ppl of fame basically..
so each week one personality will be featured...

Normally they will ask the "standard" questions on what's inside their fridge...
and a picture of coz.... *the pic alwiz has a nice, tidy, fully stocked, attractive, colourful fridge*
and with that person posing proudly with his/her fridge...well..

I think, what's in a person's fridge tells a lot...
Not in a way of palm reading but...
your eating habit
are you a tidy person
and of
*obviously if you stock junkies then that explains*

So I thought of letting you into my fridge this time...
and mind you, it is as "it is"..
no re-planogram,
ain't photoshopped,
no re-organising...
what u see is wat u get..
all the time..
Beer and stout...not for drinking...for making superlicious outta this world bread...scrumptious
a bottle of jasmine green tea..yummy during hot days.
some leftovers...actually a lot of leftovers..
a big pack of miso...i love miso soup and grilled saba with miso...
two bottles of sauvignon blanc...
on the drawer compartment...some herbs *rosemary/thyme/peppermint/parsley*
my favourite basil and lemons...and some indian mangoes..

eggs..lotsa eggs...i love them for breakfast...
some gooey cheese and butter fr Denmark
boxes of yeast for my bread
vanilla pods, fresh cream, sour cream to make dessert,
a bottle of homemade garlic oil for pasta.

milk for cereals, sake for prawns..
a bottle of leftover krug champagne,
cloudy bay, koo young, margaret river's chardonnay...
some cheap white wine for cooking..
and a bottle of Pensfold...still in its wrapper...this one...hmm...need a celebration/occassion to enjoy.
yes my freezer compartment is at the bottom...
looking at them make me wanna grab a spoon and dig those yummy ice cream!!
2 tubs of vanilla, 1 rum & raisin and 2 small tubs of japanese black sesame ice cream... off for my ice cream now...hehehe

ps: so what do u think of my fridge? someone just told me that i'm an alcoholic...hmmm

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