Wednesday, July 19, 2006


We will be holding a "soft" house warming dinner for the gang tomorrow nite. Just came out with the menu for tomorrow...JS requested it to be as attractive and interesting as here it is..


Grilled cherry vine ripen tomatoes with a rub of extra virgin olive oil sprinkled with sea salt and cubeb pepper

Chilled prawn & mango mayo and mushroom with
melted mozzarella & thyme in crisp pastry cup.

First Course

Aussie cherry tomatoes and fresh basil pasta alio olio

King prawn capellini with cilantros in spicy Thai sauce


Sautéed grapes with crunchy peppery aragula rockets in balsamic vinegar and butter sauce

Main Course

Grilled garlicky lobster with lemon-lime butter


Flourless top chocolate cake with truffle icing
and sugar-glazed poached Indian mangoes with fresh vanilla pods
and served with Haagen Daz vanilla ice-cream

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