Monday, July 31, 2006

Ang...angio...angioplasma? ANGIOPLASTY!!!

Last Saturday, hosted a simple dinner for UCP and his companion.
Why simple?
Coz someone just had his A-N-G-I-O-P-L-A-S-T-Y last Tuesday.
I have no idea what it was....but somehow it has got to do with arteries...
Basically, if u have blockage(s) in your arteries, they will implant a foot long device via your groin...OUCH!!!!
then this wire-like thingy will go into your identified blocked artery and blow it up..

UCP joked about his "blow job"...
"it ain't painful...only 45 minutes....just need to recuperate at golf for 2 weeks"
ooooOOooo...sounds alrite to me..
"wait till u see the bill....that's the painful part"

UCP had one blockage and it cost him 26K for that single "blow job"....
So people....lesson learnt, take care of your what u eat...exercise...healthy smoking...less drinking (this applies to me)....
Coz it ain't cheap nor funny when you need to go for a "blow job" like this.

and then, we had a very simple, lite, healthy dinner for him....and less alcohol as well.
so I planned the menu to his liking....he lurves bread, pasta and potatoes...all carbo..tsk tsk tsk..

table setup
grilled juicy bell pepper with smashed garlic, drizzled with extra virgin olive oil
sauteed red globe grapes with aragula in balsamic vinegar and apple cider

JS innovated this salad and it has become a permanent feature in our menu already....instead of adding sauteed french figs we substitute it with sauteed grapes...well when u can't get fresh figs in Malaysia, this is what you do... bread!!! crusty on the outside, soft and fluffy's a very fine bread.

I normally timed my bread making so when the guests arrive, they will have hot fresh bread fr the oven.

This loaf for UCP to "ta-pau"..he's a bread freak like me
grilled portobello mushroom with thyme and garlic.....yes it was so good, everyone diggin on it before i can take a nice pic.
while they were having their roasting some potatoes...
roast chard potatoes with rosemary and red chilies
his favourite sweet basil linguine no.11 with sake prawns
we had Moet swarovski looked very christmassy right?
UCP tucking into his pasta

UCP is a successful entrepreneur....and a great mentor to me.
He never stop trying, innovating, always full of enthusiasm....
alwiz with solutions to gain more $$$....
His only son is my age....
UCP pls take care of your health....don't make us worry for u...
Love you always...

Symphony of 4 berries....gooseberries, raspberries, blueberries, one inedible fat cherry here....sprinkled with icing sugar....yum!!
served with vanilla ice cream
not to forget dessert ice wine...

if you think Inniskillin Gold Reserve is superb, wait till you try this baby from France...
it will definitely blow your mind and palate...
its note is not as powerful as Inniskillin *inniskillin has its distinctive signature lychee smell*
but Vouvray's palate is so smooth with a long finish...
no wonder Vouvray is so expensive... DOUBLE the price of Inniskillin Gold Reserve..
reminds me to buy during the next duty free shopping....*no u can't get this in KLIA*

Now you know why dessert is my favourite course all the time....hehehe

Fanny, a bubbly elegant lady
this tai-tai enjoys good life... massive shopping as she goes.
she was about to recruit me to her mahjong gang....

"Big sis Fanny, I have to start work once I get a job"
and I don't play mahjong...never try, never like it, dunno anything about it.

I guess that word "work" did not exist in her vocabulary...


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